What is Career Coaching?
Good career coaching is critical when you’re thinking about your next career move. This can be challenging, not quite knowing where to start or which way to go. It is a grey area to say the least.
At Straight Talk Coaching and Consultancy we play an active role in moving clients to the next level in their career journey. It is our aim to explore, challenge and strive through a non-judgemental ethos to inspire growth and change. By focusing on the positive aspects of human nature help clients make the right choices and come to the right decisions regarding their career journey.

About Elizabeth Harding-Massey
Over the course of her career Elizabeth Harding-Massey has lived and worked in the Middle East fulfilling a life – long dream. Working for the British Council in Kuwait was the pivotal turning point in her own career saying: “working within a multicultural society in Kuwait was immensely rewarding yet also challenging and was where my own career journey started.”
She has also spent over twenty years in education firstly qualifying as a careers adviser in education, specialising with clients who had special educational needs. Later in her career she qualified as a teacher with a literacy and language specialism. She is a member of the British School of Coaching which for her is fulfilling a life – long passion. She wants clients to achieve and succeed, to enable them to fulfil their own dreams and ambitions, and, in the process, support them on their own career journey.
She says: “I want real results for my clients.” It’s the learning relationship between coach and client that brings about change. Not just an intervention, an event or an opportunity but one where two people meet, they share knowledge, values, attitudes, skills and experience. They relate to one another. They connect.
I’m the person who is going to stand in your corner, work with you, challenge you and value you to enable you to succeed.”